One of the most common requests we receive is for details and explanations of our color and camouflage options. Below, you’ll find a short explanation of each color or camouflage option, as well as some links to additional information. As always, don’t hesitate to contact us if ou need any additional info! MultiCam (OCP) MultiCam […]
Archive by Author
Getting back in the saddle!
Grilling Gear Inventory News Tactical GearIt’s October, and we’re still filling orders form this summer. Yikes! We’ve finally had to acknowledge that Tactical Grilling has outgrown our customer service and fulfillment capabilities. To fix this we’ve hired a firm to mange both, ensuring better communication and faster shipping. For those customers that have been waiting, we apologize. If you have […]
Tactical Grilling Kit on’s KitUp!
NewsThanks to Christian Lowe for the post on’s KitUp! today: CINC Grill. We’ve sent KitUp! a Coyote Tactical Grilling Kit for review, so keep an eye on their blog for more details!
Tactical Grilling on Arnie’s Airsoft
NewsCheck out the quick post on Arnie’s Airsoft!
Tactical Grilling NEW Inventory!
InventoryThe whole site has been updated and we’ve got inventory on hand for every product! Be sure to check out the Tactical Grilling Kit and save, as well as all the pieces that go into the kit: Tactical Grilling Apron Tactical Beer Shingle Tactical Spatula Sheath And don’t forget to customize your new Tactical BBQ […]